nfs-ganesha 1.4
Functions | Variables

state_misc.c File Reference

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "HashData.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "fsal.h"
#include "sal_functions.h"
#include "cache_inode_lru.h"

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const char * state_err_str (state_status_t err)
state_status_t cache_inode_status_to_state_status (cache_inode_status_t status)
state_status_t state_error_convert (fsal_status_t fsal_status)
nfsstat4 nfs4_Errno_state (state_status_t error)
nfsstat3 nfs3_Errno_state (state_status_t error)
nfsstat2 nfs2_Errno_state (state_status_t error)
const char * state_owner_type_to_str (state_owner_type_t type)
int different_owners (state_owner_t *powner1, state_owner_t *powner2)
int DisplayOwner (state_owner_t *powner, char *buf)
int Hash_dec_state_owner_ref (hash_buffer_t *buffval)
void Hash_inc_state_owner_ref (hash_buffer_t *buffval)
void inc_state_owner_ref_locked (state_owner_t *powner)
void inc_state_owner_ref (state_owner_t *powner)
void dec_state_owner_ref_locked (state_owner_t *powner)
void dec_state_owner_ref (state_owner_t *powner)
void state_wipe_file (cache_entry_t *pentry)
int DisplayOpaqueValue (char *value, int len, char *str)


const char * invalid_state_owner_type = "INVALID STATE OWNER TYPE"

Function Documentation

state_status_t cache_inode_status_to_state_status ( cache_inode_status_t  status)

Definition at line 118 of file state_misc.c.

void dec_state_owner_ref ( state_owner_t powner)

Definition at line 927 of file state_misc.c.

void dec_state_owner_ref_locked ( state_owner_t powner)

Definition at line 873 of file state_misc.c.

int different_owners ( state_owner_t powner1,
state_owner_t powner2 

Definition at line 735 of file state_misc.c.

int DisplayOpaqueValue ( char *  value,
int  len,
char *  str 

Definition at line 964 of file state_misc.c.

int DisplayOwner ( state_owner_t powner,
char *  buf 

Definition at line 775 of file state_misc.c.

int Hash_dec_state_owner_ref ( hash_buffer_t buffval)

Definition at line 803 of file state_misc.c.

void Hash_inc_state_owner_ref ( hash_buffer_t buffval)

Definition at line 829 of file state_misc.c.

void inc_state_owner_ref ( state_owner_t powner)

Definition at line 866 of file state_misc.c.

void inc_state_owner_ref_locked ( state_owner_t powner)

Definition at line 849 of file state_misc.c.

nfsstat2 nfs2_Errno_state ( state_status_t  error)

nfs2_Errno_state: Converts a state status to a nfsv2 status.

error[IN] Input state error.
the converted NFSv2 status.

Definition at line 596 of file state_misc.c.

nfsstat3 nfs3_Errno_state ( state_status_t  error)

nfs3_Errno_state: Converts a state status to a nfsv3 status.

error[IN] Input state error.
the converted NFSv3 status.

: Check if this works by making stress tests

Definition at line 449 of file state_misc.c.

nfsstat4 nfs4_Errno_state ( state_status_t  error)

nfs4_Errno: Converts a state status to a nfsv4 status.

error[IN] Input state error.
the converted NFSv4 status.

Definition at line 292 of file state_misc.c.

const char* state_err_str ( state_status_t  err)

Definition at line 63 of file state_misc.c.

state_status_t state_error_convert ( fsal_status_t  fsal_status)

state_error_convert: converts an FSAL error to the corresponding state error.

Converts an FSAL error to the corresponding state error.

fsal_status[IN] fsal error to be converted.
the result of the conversion.

Definition at line 178 of file state_misc.c.

const char* state_owner_type_to_str ( state_owner_type_t  type)

Definition at line 717 of file state_misc.c.

void state_wipe_file ( cache_entry_t pentry)

Definition at line 934 of file state_misc.c.

Variable Documentation

const char* invalid_state_owner_type = "INVALID STATE OWNER TYPE"

Definition at line 715 of file state_misc.c.

Definition at line 60 of file state_misc.c.

Definition at line 59 of file state_misc.c.

Definition at line 61 of file state_misc.c.