nfs-ganesha 1.4
Functions | Variables

mfsl_async_symlink.c File Reference

#include "log.h"
#include "fsal_types.h"
#include "fsal.h"
#include "mfsl_types.h"
#include "mfsl.h"
#include "common_utils.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>

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fsal_status_t MFSL_symlink_async_op (mfsl_async_op_desc_t *popasyncdesc)
fsal_status_t MFSAL_symlink_check_perms (mfsl_object_t *target_handle, fsal_name_t *p_dirname, fsal_op_context_t *p_context, mfsl_context_t *p_mfsl_context, fsal_attrib_list_t *object_attributes)
fsal_status_t MFSL_symlink (mfsl_object_t *parent_directory_handle, fsal_name_t *p_linkname, fsal_path_t *p_linkcontent, fsal_op_context_t *p_context, mfsl_context_t *p_mfsl_context, fsal_accessmode_t accessmode, mfsl_object_t *link_handle, fsal_attrib_list_t *link_attributes)


fsal_handle_t tmp_symlink_dirhandle
mfsl_parameter_t mfsl_param

Function Documentation

fsal_status_t MFSAL_symlink_check_perms ( mfsl_object_t target_handle,
fsal_name_t p_dirname,
fsal_op_context_t p_context,
mfsl_context_t p_mfsl_context,
fsal_attrib_list_t object_attributes 

MFSAL_symlink_check_perms : Checks authorization to perform an asynchronous symlink.

Checks authorization to perform an asynchronous setattr.

target_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on.
p_dirname[IN] name of the object to be created
p_context[IN] associated fsal context
p_mfsl_context[INOUT] associated mfsl context
object_attributes[INOUT] parent's attributes

: put some stuff in this function

Definition at line 108 of file mfsl_async_symlink.c.

fsal_status_t MFSL_symlink ( mfsl_object_t parent_directory_handle,
fsal_name_t p_linkname,
fsal_path_t p_linkcontent,
fsal_op_context_t p_context,
mfsl_context_t p_mfsl_context,
fsal_accessmode_t  accessmode,
mfsl_object_t link_handle,
fsal_attrib_list_t link_attributes 

Definition at line 144 of file mfsl_async_symlink.c.

fsal_status_t MFSL_symlink_async_op ( mfsl_async_op_desc_t popasyncdesc)

MFSL_symlink_async_op: Callback for asynchronous link.

Callback for asynchronous symlink.

popasyncdes[INOUT] asynchronous operation descriptor
the status of the performed FSAL_symlink.

Definition at line 65 of file mfsl_async_symlink.c.

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 58 of file mfsl_async_init.c.

Definition at line 56 of file mfsl_async_init.c.

MFSL_symlink : posts an asynchronous symlink and sets the cached attributes in return.

Posts an asynchronous symlink and sets the cached attributes in return.

parent_directory_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on (parent dir for the new file).
p_linkname[IN] new symlink's name
p_linkcontent[IN] new symlink's content
p_context[IN] associated fsal context
p_mfsl_context[INOUT] associated mfsl context
accessmode[IN] access mode for file create
link_handle[INOUT] new mfsl object
link_attributes[INOUT] resulting attributes for new object
the same as FSAL_link Global variable that will contain the handle to the symlinks's nursery

mfsl_async_init_symlinkdir: gets the filehandle to the directory for symlinks's nursery.

Gets the filehandle to the directory for symlinks's nursery.

pcontext[INOUT] pointer to FSAL context to be used
a FSAL status Global variable that will contain the handle to the symlinks's nursery

MFSL_symlink : posts an asynchronous symlink and sets the cached attributes in return.

Posts an asynchronous symlink and sets the cached attributes in return.

parent_directory_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on (parent dir for the new file).
p_linkname[IN] new symlink's name
p_linkcontent[IN] new symlink's content
p_context[IN] associated fsal context
p_mfsl_context[INOUT] associated mfsl context
accessmode[IN] access mode for file create
link_handle[INOUT] new mfsl object
link_attributes[INOUT] resulting attributes for new object
the same as FSAL_link Global variable that will contain the handle to the symlinks's nursery

Definition at line 142 of file mfsl_async_symlink.c.