nfs-ganesha 1.4
Functions | Variables

mfsl_async_link.c File Reference

#include "fsal_types.h"
#include "fsal.h"
#include "mfsl_types.h"
#include "mfsl.h"
#include "common_utils.h"

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fsal_status_t MFSL_link_async_op (mfsl_async_op_desc_t *popasyncdesc)
fsal_status_t MFSAL_link_check_perms (mfsl_object_t *target_handle, mfsl_object_t *dir_handle, fsal_name_t *p_link_name, mfsl_object_specific_data_t *tgt_pspecdata, mfsl_object_specific_data_t *dir_pspecdata, fsal_op_context_t *p_context, mfsl_context_t *p_mfsl_context)
fsal_status_t MFSL_link (mfsl_object_t *target_handle, mfsl_object_t *dir_handle, fsal_name_t *p_link_name, fsal_op_context_t *p_context, mfsl_context_t *p_mfsl_context, fsal_attrib_list_t *tgt_attributes, fsal_attrib_list_t *dir_attributes)


mfsl_parameter_t mfsl_param

Function Documentation

fsal_status_t MFSAL_link_check_perms ( mfsl_object_t target_handle,
mfsl_object_t dir_handle,
fsal_name_t p_link_name,
mfsl_object_specific_data_t tgt_pspecdata,
mfsl_object_specific_data_t dir_pspecdata,
fsal_op_context_t p_context,
mfsl_context_t p_mfsl_context 

MFSAL_link_check_perms : Checks authorization to perform an asynchronous link.

Checks authorization to perform an asynchronous link.

target_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on.
dir_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on.
tgt_pspecdata[INOUT] mfsl object associated specific data
dir_pspecdata[INOUT] mfsl object associated specific data
p_context[IN] associated fsal context
p_mfsl_context[INOUT] associated mfsl context
always FSAL_NO_ERROR (not yet implemented

: put some stuff in this function

Definition at line 112 of file mfsl_async_link.c.

fsal_status_t MFSL_link ( mfsl_object_t target_handle,
mfsl_object_t dir_handle,
fsal_name_t p_link_name,
fsal_op_context_t p_context,
mfsl_context_t p_mfsl_context,
fsal_attrib_list_t tgt_attributes,
fsal_attrib_list_t dir_attributes 

MFSL_link : posts an asynchronous link and sets the cached attributes in return.

Posts an asynchronous setattr and sets the cached attributes in return. If an object is not asynchronous, then the content of object attributes structure for result will be used to populate it.

target_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on (object to be hard linked).
dir_handle[IN] mfsl object to be operated on (destination directory for the link).
p_context[IN] associated fsal context
p_mfsl_context[INOUT] associated mfsl context
attrib_set[IN] attributes to be set
tgt_attributes[INOUT] resulting attributes for target
dir_attributes[INOUT] resulting attributes for directory
the same as FSAL_link

: there may be a coefficient to be applied here
: there may be a coefficient to be applied here

Definition at line 148 of file mfsl_async_link.c.

fsal_status_t MFSL_link_async_op ( mfsl_async_op_desc_t popasyncdesc)

MFSL_link_async_op: Callback for asynchronous link.

Callback for asynchronous link.

popasyncdes[INOUT] asynchronous operation descriptor
the status of the performed FSAL_setattrs.

Definition at line 59 of file mfsl_async_link.c.

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 58 of file mfsl_async_init.c.