nfs-ganesha 1.4
Enumerator | Functions

Credential handling functions.


fsal_status_t CEPHFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *export_context, fsal_path_t *export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t CEPHFSAL_CleanUpExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *export_context)
fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_InitClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *context)
fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_GetClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *context, fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_uid_t uid, fsal_gid_t gid, fsal_gid_t *alt_groups, fsal_count_t nb_alt_groups)
fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_BuildExportContext (hpssfsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_CleanUpExportContext (hpssfsal_export_context_t *p_export_context)
fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_InitClientContext (hpssfsal_op_context_t *p_thr_context)
fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_GetClientContext (hpssfsal_op_context_t *p_thr_context, hpssfsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_uid_t uid, fsal_gid_t gid, fsal_gid_t *alt_groups, fsal_count_t nb_alt_groups)
fsal_status_t LUSTREFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *exp_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t POSIXFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t POSIXFSAL_InitClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *thr_context)
fsal_status_t PROXYFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t PROXYFSAL_InitClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *context)
fsal_status_t FSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t FSAL_InitClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *p_thr_context)
fsal_status_t FSAL_GetClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *p_thr_context, fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_uid_t uid, fsal_gid_t gid, fsal_gid_t *alt_groups, fsal_count_t nb_alt_groups)
fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_InitClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *p_context)
fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_GetClientContext (fsal_op_context_t *thr_context, fsal_export_context_t *p_export_context, fsal_uid_t uid, fsal_gid_t gid, fsal_gid_t *alt_groups, fsal_count_t nb_alt_groups)
fsal_status_t XFSFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *export_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)
fsal_status_t ZFSFSAL_BuildExportContext (fsal_export_context_t *exp_context, fsal_path_t *p_export_path, char *fs_specific_options)

Detailed Description

Those functions handle security contexts (credentials).

Function Documentation

fsal_status_t CEPHFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t export_context,
fsal_path_t export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 58 of file FSAL_CEPH/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t CEPHFSAL_CleanUpExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t export_context)

FSAL_CleanUpExportContext : this will clean up and state in an export that was created during the BuildExportContext phase. For many FSALs this may be a noop.

p_export_context(in, gpfsfsal_export_context_t)

Definition at line 109 of file FSAL_CEPH/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 105 of file FSAL_TEMPLATE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FSAL_GetClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t p_thr_context,
fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_uid_t  uid,
fsal_gid_t  gid,
fsal_gid_t alt_groups,
fsal_count_t  nb_alt_groups 

FSAL_GetClientContext : Get a user credential from its uid.

p_cred(in out, fsal_cred_t *) Initialized credential to be changed for representing user.
uid(in, fsal_uid_t) user identifier.
gid(in, fsal_gid_t) group identifier.
alt_groups(in, fsal_gid_t *) list of alternative groups.
nb_alt_groups(in, fsal_count_t) number of alternative groups.
major codes :
  • ERR_FSAL_PERM : the current user cannot get credentials for this uid.
  • ERR_FSAL_FAULT : Bad adress parameter.
  • ERR_FSAL_SERVERFAULT : unexpected error.

Definition at line 210 of file FSAL_TEMPLATE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FSAL_InitClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t p_thr_context)

Definition at line 169 of file FSAL_TEMPLATE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 40 of file FSAL_FUSELIKE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_GetClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t context,
fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_uid_t  uid,
fsal_gid_t  gid,
fsal_gid_t alt_groups,
fsal_count_t  nb_alt_groups 

FSAL_GetClientContext : Get a user credential from its uid.

p_cred(in out, fusefsal_cred_t *) Initialized credential to be changed for representing user.
uid(in, fsal_uid_t) user identifier.
gid(in, fsal_gid_t) group identifier.
alt_groups(in, fsal_gid_t *) list of alternative groups.
nb_alt_groups(in, fsal_count_t) number of alternative groups.
major codes :
  • ERR_FSAL_PERM : the current user cannot get credentials for this uid.
  • ERR_FSAL_FAULT : Bad adress parameter.
  • ERR_FSAL_SERVERFAULT : unexpected error.

Definition at line 114 of file FSAL_FUSELIKE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t FUSEFSAL_InitClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t context)

Definition at line 64 of file FSAL_FUSELIKE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_BuildExportContext ( hpssfsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 99 of file FSAL_HPSS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_CleanUpExportContext ( hpssfsal_export_context_t p_export_context)

FSAL_CleanUpExportContext : this will clean up and state in an export that was created during the BuildExportContext phase. For many FSALs this may be a noop.

p_export_context(in, gpfsfsal_export_context_t)

Definition at line 186 of file FSAL_HPSS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_GetClientContext ( hpssfsal_op_context_t p_thr_context,
hpssfsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_uid_t  uid,
fsal_gid_t  gid,
fsal_gid_t alt_groups,
fsal_count_t  nb_alt_groups 

FSAL_GetClientContext : Get a user credential from its uid.

p_cred(in out, hpssfsal_cred_t *) Initialized credential to be changed for representing user.
uid(in, fsal_uid_t) user identifier.
gid(in, fsal_gid_t) group identifier.
alt_groups(in, fsal_gid_t *) list of alternative groups.
nb_alt_groups(in, fsal_count_t) number of alternative groups.
major codes :
  • ERR_FSAL_PERM : the current user cannot get credentials for this uid.
  • ERR_FSAL_FAULT : Bad adress parameter.
  • ERR_FSAL_SERVERFAULT : unexpected error.

Definition at line 299 of file FSAL_HPSS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t HPSSFSAL_InitClientContext ( hpssfsal_op_context_t p_thr_context)

Definition at line 191 of file FSAL_HPSS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t LUSTREFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t exp_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

build the export entry

Definition at line 39 of file FSAL_LUSTRE/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t POSIXFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 37 of file FSAL_POSIX/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t POSIXFSAL_InitClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t thr_context)

Definition at line 48 of file FSAL_POSIX/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t PROXYFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 123 of file FSAL_PROXY/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t PROXYFSAL_InitClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t context)

Definition at line 181 of file FSAL_PROXY/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

build the export entry

Definition at line 39 of file FSAL_VFS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_GetClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t thr_context,
fsal_export_context_t p_export_context,
fsal_uid_t  uid,
fsal_gid_t  gid,
fsal_gid_t alt_groups,
fsal_count_t  nb_alt_groups 

FSAL_GetUserCred : Get a user credential from its uid.

p_cred(in out, fsal_cred_t *) Initialized credential to be changed for representing user.
uid(in, fsal_uid_t) user identifier.
gid(in, fsal_gid_t) group identifier.
alt_groups(in, fsal_gid_t *) list of alternative groups.
nb_alt_groups(in, fsal_count_t) number of alternative groups.
major codes :
  • ERR_FSAL_PERM : the current user cannot get credentials for this uid.
  • ERR_FSAL_FAULT : Bad adress parameter.
  • ERR_FSAL_SERVERFAULT : unexpected error.

Definition at line 222 of file FSAL_VFS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t VFSFSAL_InitClientContext ( fsal_op_context_t p_context)

Definition at line 185 of file FSAL_VFS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t XFSFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t export_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

build the export entry

Definition at line 39 of file FSAL_XFS/fsal_context.c.

fsal_status_t ZFSFSAL_BuildExportContext ( fsal_export_context_t exp_context,
fsal_path_t p_export_path,
char *  fs_specific_options 

Parse FS specific option string to build the export entry option.

Definition at line 108 of file FSAL_ZFS/fsal_context.c.