nfs-ganesha 1.4
Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Functions

ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h File Reference

#include <utime.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ganefuse_entry_param
struct  ganefuse_ctx
struct  ganefuse_file_info
struct  ganefuse_conn_info
struct  ganefuse_lowlevel_ops
struct  ganefuse_lowlevel_ops25
struct  ganefuse_args
struct  ganefuse_opt
struct  ganefuse_session_ops
struct  ganefuse_chan_ops


#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_MODE   (1 << 0)
#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_UID   (1 << 1)
#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_GID   (1 << 2)
#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_SIZE   (1 << 3)
#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_ATIME   (1 << 4)
#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_MTIME   (1 << 5)
#define GANEFUSE_ARGS_INIT(_argc_, _argv_)   { _argc_, _argv_, 0 }
#define fuse_ino_t   ganefuse_ino_t
#define fuse_req_t   ganefuse_req_t
#define fuse_session   ganefuse_session
#define fuse_chan   ganefuse_chan
#define fuse_entry_param   ganefuse_entry_param
#define fuse_ctx   ganefuse_ctx
#define fuse_conn_info   ganefuse_conn_info
#define fuse_file_info   ganefuse_file_info
#define fuse_args   ganefuse_args
#define fuse_opt   ganefuse_opt
#define fuse_opt_proc_t   ganefuse_opt_proc_t
#define fuse_interrupt_func_t   ganefuse_interrupt_func_t
#define fuse_session_ops   ganefuse_session_ops
#define fuse_chan_ops   ganefuse_chan_ops
#define fuse_parse_cmdline   ganefuse_parse_cmdline
#define fuse_reply_err   ganefuse_reply_err
#define fuse_reply_none   ganefuse_reply_none
#define fuse_reply_entry   ganefuse_reply_entry
#define fuse_reply_create   ganefuse_reply_create
#define fuse_reply_attr   ganefuse_reply_attr
#define fuse_reply_readlink   ganefuse_reply_readlink
#define fuse_reply_open   ganefuse_reply_open
#define fuse_reply_write   ganefuse_reply_write
#define fuse_reply_buf   ganefuse_reply_buf
#define fuse_reply_iov   ganefuse_reply_iov
#define fuse_reply_statfs   ganefuse_reply_statfs
#define fuse_reply_xattr   ganefuse_reply_xattr
#define fuse_reply_lock   ganefuse_reply_lock
#define fuse_reply_bmap   ganefuse_reply_bmap
#define fuse_add_direntry   ganefuse_add_direntry
#define fuse_req_userdata   ganefuse_req_userdata
#define fuse_req_ctx   ganefuse_req_ctx
#define fuse_req_interrupt_func   ganefuse_req_interrupt_func
#define fuse_req_interrupted   ganefuse_req_interrupted
#define fuse_session_new   ganefuse_session_new
#define fuse_session_add_chan   ganefuse_session_add_chan
#define fuse_session_remove_chan   ganefuse_session_remove_chan
#define fuse_session_next_chan   ganefuse_session_next_chan
#define fuse_session_process   ganefuse_session_process
#define fuse_session_destroy   ganefuse_session_destroy
#define fuse_session_exit   ganefuse_session_exit
#define fuse_session_reset   ganefuse_session_reset
#define fuse_session_exited   ganefuse_session_exited
#define fuse_session_loop   ganefuse_session_loop
#define fuse_session_loop_m   ganefuse_session_loop_mt
#define fuse_chan_new   ganefuse_chan_new
#define fuse_chan_fd   ganefuse_chan_fd
#define fuse_chan_bufsize   ganefuse_chan_bufsize
#define fuse_chan_data   ganefuse_chan_data
#define fuse_chan_session   ganefuse_chan_session
#define fuse_chan_recv   ganefuse_chan_recv
#define fuse_chan_send   ganefuse_chan_send
#define fuse_chan_destroy   ganefuse_chan_destroy
#define fuse_chan_receive   ganefuse_chan_receive
#define fuse_kern_chan_new   ganefuse_kern_chan_new
#define fuse_opt_parse   ganefuse_opt_parse
#define fuse_opt_add_opt   ganefuse_opt_add_opt
#define fuse_opt_add_arg   ganefuse_opt_add_arg
#define fuse_opt_insert_arg   ganefuse_opt_insert_arg
#define fuse_opt_free_args   ganefuse_opt_free_args
#define fuse_opt_match   ganefuse_opt_match
#define fuse_unmount   ganefuse_unmount25
#define fuse_dirent_size   ganefuse_dirent_size
#define fuse_add_dirent   ganefuse_add_dirent


typedef unsigned long ganefuse_ino_t
typedef struct ganefuse_req * ganefuse_req_t
typedef int(* ganefuse_opt_proc_t )(void *data, const char *arg, int key, struct ganefuse_args *outargs)
typedef void(* ganefuse_interrupt_func_t )(ganefuse_req_t req, void *data)


int ganefuse_parse_cmdline (struct ganefuse_args *args, char **mountpoint, int *multithreaded, int *foreground)
int ganefuse_opt_parse (struct ganefuse_args *args, void *data, const struct ganefuse_opt opts[], ganefuse_opt_proc_t proc)
int ganefuse_opt_add_opt (char **opts, const char *opt)
int ganefuse_opt_add_arg (struct ganefuse_args *args, const char *arg)
int ganefuse_opt_insert_arg (struct ganefuse_args *args, int pos, const char *arg)
void ganefuse_opt_free_args (struct ganefuse_args *args)
int ganefuse_opt_match (const struct ganefuse_opt opts[], const char *opt)
int ganefuse_reply_err (ganefuse_req_t req, int err)
void ganefuse_reply_none (ganefuse_req_t req)
int ganefuse_reply_entry (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct ganefuse_entry_param *e)
int ganefuse_reply_create (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct ganefuse_entry_param *e, const struct ganefuse_file_info *fi)
int ganefuse_reply_attr (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct stat *attr, double attr_timeout)
int ganefuse_reply_readlink (ganefuse_req_t req, const char *link)
int ganefuse_reply_open (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct ganefuse_file_info *fi)
int ganefuse_reply_write (ganefuse_req_t req, size_t count)
int ganefuse_reply_buf (ganefuse_req_t req, const char *buf, size_t size)
int ganefuse_reply_iov (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct iovec *iov, int count)
int ganefuse_reply_statfs (ganefuse_req_t req, const struct statvfs *stbuf)
int ganefuse_reply_xattr (ganefuse_req_t req, size_t count)
int ganefuse_reply_lock (ganefuse_req_t req, struct flock *lock)
int ganefuse_reply_bmap (ganefuse_req_t req, uint64_t idx)
size_t ganefuse_add_direntry (ganefuse_req_t req, char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *name, const struct stat *stbuf, off_t off)
void * ganefuse_req_userdata (ganefuse_req_t req)
struct ganefuse_ctxganefuse_req_ctx (ganefuse_req_t req)
void ganefuse_req_interrupt_func (ganefuse_req_t req, ganefuse_interrupt_func_t func, void *data)
int ganefuse_req_interrupted (ganefuse_req_t req)
struct ganefuse_session * ganefuse_lowlevel_new (struct ganefuse_args *args, const struct ganefuse_lowlevel_ops *op, size_t op_size, void *userdata)
struct ganefuse_session * ganefuse_lowlevel_new25 (struct ganefuse_args *args, const struct ganefuse_lowlevel_ops25 *op, size_t op_size, void *userdata)
struct ganefuse_session * ganefuse_session_new (struct ganefuse_session_ops *op, void *data)
void ganefuse_session_add_chan (struct ganefuse_session *se, struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
void ganefuse_session_remove_chan (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
struct ganefuse_chan * ganefuse_session_next_chan (struct ganefuse_session *se, struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
void ganefuse_session_process (struct ganefuse_session *se, const char *buf, size_t len, struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
void ganefuse_session_destroy (struct ganefuse_session *se)
void ganefuse_session_exit (struct ganefuse_session *se)
void ganefuse_session_reset (struct ganefuse_session *se)
int ganefuse_session_exited (struct ganefuse_session *se)
int ganefuse_session_loop (struct ganefuse_session *se)
int ganefuse_session_loop_mt (struct ganefuse_session *se)
struct ganefuse_chan * ganefuse_chan_new (struct ganefuse_chan_ops *op, int fd, size_t bufsize, void *data)
int ganefuse_chan_fd (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
size_t ganefuse_chan_bufsize (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
void * ganefuse_chan_data (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
struct ganefuse_session * ganefuse_chan_session (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
int ganefuse_chan_recv (struct ganefuse_chan **ch, char *buf, size_t size)
int ganefuse_chan_send (struct ganefuse_chan *ch, const struct iovec iov[], size_t count)
void ganefuse_chan_destroy (struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
struct ganefuse_chan * ganefuse_mount (const char *mountpoint, struct ganefuse_args *args)
int ganefuse_mount25 (const char *mountpoint, struct ganefuse_args *args)
void ganefuse_unmount25 (const char *mountpoint)
void ganefuse_unmount (const char *mountpoint, struct ganefuse_chan *ch)
int ganefuse_chan_receive (struct ganefuse_chan *ch, char *buf, size_t size)
struct ganefuse_chan * ganefuse_kern_chan_new (int fd)
size_t ganefuse_dirent_size (size_t namelen)
char * ganefuse_add_dirent (char *buf, const char *name, const struct stat *stbuf, off_t off)

Define Documentation

#define fuse_add_dirent   ganefuse_add_dirent

Definition at line 407 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_add_direntry   ganefuse_add_direntry

Definition at line 351 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_args   ganefuse_args

Definition at line 327 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 410 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan   ganefuse_chan

Definition at line 322 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_bufsize   ganefuse_chan_bufsize

Definition at line 372 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_data   ganefuse_chan_data

Definition at line 373 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_destroy   ganefuse_chan_destroy

Definition at line 377 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_fd   ganefuse_chan_fd

Definition at line 371 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_new   ganefuse_chan_new

Definition at line 370 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_ops   ganefuse_chan_ops

Definition at line 332 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_receive   ganefuse_chan_receive

Definition at line 378 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_recv   ganefuse_chan_recv

Definition at line 375 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_send   ganefuse_chan_send

Definition at line 376 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_chan_session   ganefuse_chan_session

Definition at line 374 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_conn_info   ganefuse_conn_info

Definition at line 325 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_ctx   ganefuse_ctx

Definition at line 324 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_dirent_size   ganefuse_dirent_size

Definition at line 406 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_entry_param   ganefuse_entry_param

Definition at line 323 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_file_info   ganefuse_file_info

Definition at line 326 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_ino_t   ganefuse_ino_t

Definition at line 319 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_interrupt_func_t   ganefuse_interrupt_func_t

Definition at line 330 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_kern_chan_new   ganefuse_kern_chan_new

Definition at line 379 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt   ganefuse_opt

Definition at line 328 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_add_arg   ganefuse_opt_add_arg

Definition at line 383 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_add_opt   ganefuse_opt_add_opt

Definition at line 382 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_free_args   ganefuse_opt_free_args

Definition at line 385 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_insert_arg   ganefuse_opt_insert_arg

Definition at line 384 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_match   ganefuse_opt_match

Definition at line 386 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_parse   ganefuse_opt_parse

Definition at line 381 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_opt_proc_t   ganefuse_opt_proc_t

Definition at line 329 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_parse_cmdline   ganefuse_parse_cmdline

Definition at line 335 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_attr   ganefuse_reply_attr

Definition at line 341 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_bmap   ganefuse_reply_bmap

Definition at line 350 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_buf   ganefuse_reply_buf

Definition at line 345 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_create   ganefuse_reply_create

Definition at line 340 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_entry   ganefuse_reply_entry

Definition at line 339 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_err   ganefuse_reply_err

Definition at line 337 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_iov   ganefuse_reply_iov

Definition at line 346 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_lock   ganefuse_reply_lock

Definition at line 349 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_none   ganefuse_reply_none

Definition at line 338 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_open   ganefuse_reply_open

Definition at line 343 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_readlink   ganefuse_reply_readlink

Definition at line 342 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_statfs   ganefuse_reply_statfs

Definition at line 347 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_write   ganefuse_reply_write

Definition at line 344 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_reply_xattr   ganefuse_reply_xattr

Definition at line 348 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_req_ctx   ganefuse_req_ctx

Definition at line 354 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_req_interrupt_func   ganefuse_req_interrupt_func

Definition at line 355 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_req_interrupted   ganefuse_req_interrupted

Definition at line 356 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_req_t   ganefuse_req_t

Definition at line 320 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_req_userdata   ganefuse_req_userdata

Definition at line 353 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session   ganefuse_session

Definition at line 321 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_add_chan   ganefuse_session_add_chan

Definition at line 359 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_destroy   ganefuse_session_destroy

Definition at line 363 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_exit   ganefuse_session_exit

Definition at line 364 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_exited   ganefuse_session_exited

Definition at line 366 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_loop   ganefuse_session_loop

Definition at line 367 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_loop_m   ganefuse_session_loop_mt

Definition at line 368 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_new   ganefuse_session_new

Definition at line 358 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_next_chan   ganefuse_session_next_chan

Definition at line 361 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_ops   ganefuse_session_ops

Definition at line 331 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_process   ganefuse_session_process

Definition at line 362 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_remove_chan   ganefuse_session_remove_chan

Definition at line 360 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_session_reset   ganefuse_session_reset

Definition at line 365 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 416 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 414 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 412 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 417 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 415 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.


Definition at line 413 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define fuse_unmount   ganefuse_unmount25

Definition at line 401 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_ARGS_INIT (   _argc_,
)    { _argc_, _argv_, 0 }

Definition at line 202 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_ATIME   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 45 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_GID   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 43 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_MODE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 41 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_MTIME   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 46 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_SIZE   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 44 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

#define GANEFUSE_SET_ATTR_UID   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 42 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long ganefuse_ino_t

Definition at line 17 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

typedef void(* ganefuse_interrupt_func_t)(ganefuse_req_t req, void *data)

Definition at line 242 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

typedef int(* ganefuse_opt_proc_t)(void *data, const char *arg, int key, struct ganefuse_args *outargs)

Definition at line 207 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

typedef struct ganefuse_req* ganefuse_req_t

Definition at line 18 of file ganesha_fuse_ll_wrap.h.

Function Documentation

char* ganefuse_add_dirent ( char *  buf,
const char *  name,
const struct stat *  stbuf,
off_t  off 
size_t ganefuse_add_direntry ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  name,
const struct stat *  stbuf,
off_t  off 
size_t ganefuse_chan_bufsize ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch)
void* ganefuse_chan_data ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch)
void ganefuse_chan_destroy ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch)
int ganefuse_chan_fd ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch)
struct ganefuse_chan* ganefuse_chan_new ( struct ganefuse_chan_ops op,
int  fd,
size_t  bufsize,
void *  data 
) [read]
int ganefuse_chan_receive ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch,
char *  buf,
size_t  size 
int ganefuse_chan_recv ( struct ganefuse_chan **  ch,
char *  buf,
size_t  size 
int ganefuse_chan_send ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch,
const struct iovec  iov[],
size_t  count 
struct ganefuse_session* ganefuse_chan_session ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch) [read]
size_t ganefuse_dirent_size ( size_t  namelen)
struct ganefuse_chan* ganefuse_kern_chan_new ( int  fd) [read]
struct ganefuse_session* ganefuse_lowlevel_new ( struct ganefuse_args args,
const struct ganefuse_lowlevel_ops op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  userdata 
) [read]
struct ganefuse_session* ganefuse_lowlevel_new25 ( struct ganefuse_args args,
const struct ganefuse_lowlevel_ops25 op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  userdata 
) [read]
struct ganefuse_chan* ganefuse_mount ( const char *  mountpoint,
struct ganefuse_args args 
) [read]
int ganefuse_mount25 ( const char *  mountpoint,
struct ganefuse_args args 
int ganefuse_opt_add_arg ( struct ganefuse_args args,
const char *  arg 
int ganefuse_opt_add_opt ( char **  opts,
const char *  opt 
void ganefuse_opt_free_args ( struct ganefuse_args args)
int ganefuse_opt_insert_arg ( struct ganefuse_args args,
int  pos,
const char *  arg 
int ganefuse_opt_match ( const struct ganefuse_opt  opts[],
const char *  opt 
int ganefuse_opt_parse ( struct ganefuse_args args,
void *  data,
const struct ganefuse_opt  opts[],
ganefuse_opt_proc_t  proc 
int ganefuse_parse_cmdline ( struct ganefuse_args args,
char **  mountpoint,
int *  multithreaded,
int *  foreground 
int ganefuse_reply_attr ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct stat *  attr,
double  attr_timeout 
int ganefuse_reply_bmap ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
uint64_t  idx 
int ganefuse_reply_buf ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const char *  buf,
size_t  size 
int ganefuse_reply_create ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct ganefuse_entry_param e,
const struct ganefuse_file_info fi 
int ganefuse_reply_entry ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct ganefuse_entry_param e 
int ganefuse_reply_err ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
int  err 
int ganefuse_reply_iov ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct iovec *  iov,
int  count 
int ganefuse_reply_lock ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
struct flock *  lock 
void ganefuse_reply_none ( ganefuse_req_t  req)
int ganefuse_reply_open ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct ganefuse_file_info fi 
int ganefuse_reply_readlink ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const char *  link 
int ganefuse_reply_statfs ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
const struct statvfs *  stbuf 
int ganefuse_reply_write ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
size_t  count 
int ganefuse_reply_xattr ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
size_t  count 
struct ganefuse_ctx* ganefuse_req_ctx ( ganefuse_req_t  req) [read]
void ganefuse_req_interrupt_func ( ganefuse_req_t  req,
ganefuse_interrupt_func_t  func,
void *  data 
int ganefuse_req_interrupted ( ganefuse_req_t  req)
void* ganefuse_req_userdata ( ganefuse_req_t  req)
void ganefuse_session_add_chan ( struct ganefuse_session *  se,
struct ganefuse_chan *  ch 
void ganefuse_session_destroy ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
void ganefuse_session_exit ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
int ganefuse_session_exited ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
int ganefuse_session_loop ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
int ganefuse_session_loop_mt ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
struct ganefuse_session* ganefuse_session_new ( struct ganefuse_session_ops op,
void *  data 
) [read]
struct ganefuse_chan* ganefuse_session_next_chan ( struct ganefuse_session *  se,
struct ganefuse_chan *  ch 
) [read]
void ganefuse_session_process ( struct ganefuse_session *  se,
const char *  buf,
size_t  len,
struct ganefuse_chan *  ch 
void ganefuse_session_remove_chan ( struct ganefuse_chan *  ch)
void ganefuse_session_reset ( struct ganefuse_session *  se)
void ganefuse_unmount ( const char *  mountpoint,
struct ganefuse_chan *  ch 
void ganefuse_unmount25 ( const char *  mountpoint)