nfs-ganesha 1.4

posixdb_info.c File Reference

#include "posixdb_internal.h"
#include <string.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromName (fsal_posixdb_conn *p_conn, posixfsal_handle_t *p_parent_directory_handle, fsal_name_t *p_objectname, fsal_path_t *p_path, posixfsal_handle_t *p_handle)
fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromHandle (fsal_posixdb_conn *p_conn, posixfsal_handle_t *p_object_handle, fsal_path_t *p_paths, int paths_size, int *p_count)
fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getParentDirHandle (fsal_posixdb_conn *p_conn, posixfsal_handle_t *p_object_handle, posixfsal_handle_t *p_parent_directory_handle)

Function Documentation

fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromHandle ( fsal_posixdb_conn *  p_conn,
posixfsal_handle_t p_object_handle,
fsal_path_t p_paths,
int  paths_size,
int *  p_count 

fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromHandle: Fills informations known about an object (inside its posixfsal_handle_t object), its 'paths', knowing its FSAL handle.

conn(input) Database connection
object_handle(input) Handle of the object.
p_paths(output) Array of path to the objects
paths_size(input) Number of elements of p_paths allocated
p_count(output) Number of paths set in p_paths
p_infos(output) POSIX information stored in the database.
- FSAL_POSIXDB_NOERR, if no error.
  • FSAL_POSIXDB_UNKNOWHANDLE, if object_handle is unknown.

Definition at line 109 of file MYSQL/posixdb_info.c.

fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromName ( fsal_posixdb_conn *  p_conn,
posixfsal_handle_t p_parent_directory_handle,
fsal_name_t p_objectname,
fsal_path_t p_path,
posixfsal_handle_t p_handle 

fsal_posixdb_getInfoFromName: Return informations known about an object, knowing the FSAL handle of its parent and its name.

conn(input) Database connection
p_parent_directory_handle(input) Handle of the parent directory to search the object in.
p_objectname(input) The name of the object to find.
p_path(optional output) path to the objects
p_handle(output) Handle of the object found in the database
- FSAL_POSIXDB_NOERR, if no error.
  • FSAL_POSIXDB_NOENT, if directory unknown, or no object named 'object_name' in that directory.

Definition at line 10 of file MYSQL/posixdb_info.c.

fsal_posixdb_status_t fsal_posixdb_getParentDirHandle ( fsal_posixdb_conn *  p_conn,
posixfsal_handle_t p_object_handle,
posixfsal_handle_t p_parent_directory_handle 

fsal_posixdb_getParentDirHandle: get the parent directory of a directory (p_object_handle must have only one Parent entry).

p_conn(input) Database connection
p_object_handle(input): Directory Handle we want the parent
p_parent_directory_handle(output): Parent directory handle ( corresponding to <path to="" p_object_handle>="">/.. )

Definition at line 270 of file MYSQL/posixdb_info.c.