nfs-ganesha 1.4


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *      $Id: rbt_tree.h,v 1.3 2004/10/13 13:02:53 deniel Exp $
00003  */
00005 /*
00006  * Implementation of RedBlack trees
00007  * Macros and algorithms
00008  */
00010 /*
00011  * This implementation of RedBlack trees was copied from
00012  * the STL library and adapted to a C environment.
00013  */
00015 /*
00016  * RB tree implementation -*- C++ -*-
00018  * Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00019  *
00020  * This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
00021  * software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
00022  * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
00023  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00024  * any later version.
00026  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00027  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00029  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00031  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00032  * with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
00033  * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
00034  * USA.
00036  * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00037  * library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
00038  * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00039  * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00040  * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00041  * the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00042  * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00043  * the GNU General Public License.
00044  */
00046 /*
00047  *
00048  * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
00049  * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
00050  *
00051  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
00052  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
00053  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
00054  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
00055  * in supporting documentation.  Silicon Graphics makes no
00056  * representations about the suitability of this software for any
00057  * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
00058  *
00059  *
00060  * Copyright (c) 1994
00061  * Hewlett-Packard Company
00062  *
00063  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
00064  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
00065  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
00066  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
00067  * in supporting documentation.  Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
00068  * representations about the suitability of this software for any
00069  * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
00070  *
00071  *
00072  */
00074 /* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
00075  *   You should not attempt to use it directly.
00076  */
00078 /*
00080 Red-black tree class, designed for use in implementing STL
00081 associative containers (set, multiset, map, and multimap). The
00082 insertion and deletion algorithms are based on those in Cormen,
00083 Leiserson, and Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press, 1990),
00084 except that
00086 (1) the header cell is maintained with links not only to the root
00087 but also to the leftmost node of the tree, to enable constant time
00088 begin(), and to the rightmost node of the tree, to enable linear time
00089 performance when used with the generic set algorithms (set_union,
00090 etc.);
00092 (2) when a node being deleted has two children its successor node is
00093 relinked into its place, rather than copied, so that the only
00094 iterators invalidated are those referring to the deleted node.
00096 */
00098 #ifndef _RBT_TREE_H
00099 #define _RDT_TREE_H
00101 /*
00103  *   __header is the header
00104  */
00105 #define RBT_HEAD_INIT(__header)                                         \
00106   ((__header)->root = 0,                                                \
00107    (__header)->leftmost = 0,                                            \
00108    (__header)->rightmost = 0,                                           \
00109    (__header)->rbt_num_node = 0)
00111 #define RBT_COUNT(__header)     ((__header)->rbt_num_node)
00113 #define RBT_RIGHTMOST(__header) ((__header)->rightmost)
00115 #define RBT_LEFTMOST(__header)  ((__header)->leftmost)
00117 /*
00118  * For RBT_VALUE :
00119  *   __node is any node
00120  */
00121 #define RBT_VALUE(__node)       ((__node)->rbt_value)
00123 /*
00124  * For RBT_OPAQ :
00125  *   __node is any node
00126  */
00127 #define RBT_OPAQ(__node)        ((__node)->rbt_opaq)
00129 /*
00131  *   __node is the starting node
00132  *   __x is a temporary variable
00133  *   __node is modified to point to the next/previous node
00134  */
00135 #define RBT_INCREMENT(__node)                                           \
00136 {                                                                       \
00137   if ((__node)->next) {                                                 \
00138     __node = (__node)->next;                                            \
00139     while ((__node)->left)                                              \
00140       (__node) = (__node)->left;                                        \
00141   } else {                                                              \
00142     struct rbt_node *__x;                                               \
00143     do {                                                                \
00144       __x = (__node);                                                   \
00145     } while ((((__node) = (__node)->parent)) && ((__node)->next == __x));       \
00146   }                                                                     \
00147 }
00149 #define RBT_DECREMENT(__node)                                           \
00150 {                                                                       \
00151   if ((__node)->left) {                                                 \
00152     __node = (__node)->left;                                            \
00153     while ((__node)->next)                                              \
00154       (__node) = (__node)->next;                                        \
00155   } else {                                                              \
00156     struct rbt_node *__x;                                               \
00157     do {                                                                \
00158       __x = (__node);                                                   \
00159     } while ((((__node) = (__node)->parent)) && ((__node)->left == __x));       \
00160   }                                                                     \
00161 }
00163 /*
00164  * For RBT_LOOP and RBT_LOOP_REVERSE :
00165  *   __header is the header
00166  *   __it is the iterator (type rbt_node *)
00167  *
00168  * These macros must be used with, respectively,
00170  */
00171 #define RBT_LOOP(__header, __it)                                        \
00172   for ((__it) = (__header)->leftmost; (__it);)
00174 #define RBT_LOOP_REVERSE(__header, __it)                                \
00175   for ((__it) = (__header)->rightmost; (__it);)
00177 /*
00179  *   __xx is  pointer to the pivotal node
00180  *   __yy is a temporary variable
00181  *   the pivotal node is not modified except its links in the tree
00182  * For RBT_ROTATE_LEFT, (__xx)->next must not be zero.
00183  * For RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT, (__xx)->left must not be zero.
00184  */
00185 #define RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__xx)                                           \
00186 {                                                                       \
00187   struct rbt_node *__yy;                                                \
00188   __yy = (__xx)->next;                                                  \
00189   if (((__xx)->next = __yy->left)) {                                    \
00190     __yy->left->parent = (__xx);                                        \
00191     __yy->left->anchor = &(__xx)->next;                                 \
00192   }                                                                     \
00193   __yy->parent = (__xx)->parent;                                        \
00194   __yy->left = (__xx);                                                  \
00195   __yy->anchor = (__xx)->anchor;                                        \
00196   (__xx)->parent = __yy;                                                \
00197   (__xx)->anchor = &__yy->left;                                         \
00198   *__yy->anchor = __yy;                                                 \
00199 }
00201 #define RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__xx)                                          \
00202 {                                                                       \
00203   struct rbt_node *__yy;                                                \
00204   __yy = (__xx)->left;                                                  \
00205   if (((__xx)->left = __yy->next)) {                                    \
00206     __yy->next->parent = (__xx);                                        \
00207     __yy->next->anchor = &(__xx)->left;                                 \
00208   }                                                                     \
00209   __yy->parent = (__xx)->parent;                                        \
00210   __yy->next = (__xx);                                                  \
00211   __yy->anchor = (__xx)->anchor;                                        \
00212   (__xx)->parent = __yy;                                                \
00213   (__xx)->anchor = &__yy->next;                                         \
00214   *__yy->anchor = __yy;                                                 \
00215 }
00217 /*
00218  * For RBT_INSERT :
00219  *   __node is the new node to be inserted
00220  *   __par is the node which will be the first parent of __node
00221  *   __node and __par are not modified
00222  *   *__node and *__par are modified
00223  *   __header is the header node
00224  *   __x and __y are temporary variables
00225  *
00226  * __par must have been returned by RBT_FIND (successful or not).
00227  * If RBT_FIND was not successful, __par cannot have two children :
00228  *  - If __node->rbt_value > __par->rbt_value, then __par->next is NULL.
00229  *    __node will be installed at __par->next.
00230  *  - If __node->rbt_value < __par->rbt_value, then __par->left is NULL.
00231  *    __node will be installed at __par->next.
00232  * If RBT_FIND was successful :
00233  *  - If __par has two children, search the previous node and replace
00234  *    __par by this previous node. Then insert __node at __par->next.
00235  *  - If __par->left is free, install __node at __par->left.
00236  *  - Otherwise, install __node at __par->next.
00237  *
00238  * If this insertion unbalances the tree, __node may end in a different
00239  * position.
00240  */
00241 #define RBT_INSERT(__header, __node, __par)                             \
00242 {                                                                       \
00243   struct rbt_node *__x, *__y;                                           \
00244   (__header)->rbt_num_node++;        /* increment number of nodes */    \
00245   __y = (__par);                                                        \
00246   if (__y == 0) {                                                       \
00247     (__node)->anchor = &(__header)->root; /* initialize anchor */       \
00248     (__header)->root = (__node);          /* __node is root */          \
00249     (__header)->rightmost = (__node);     /* __node is rightmost */     \
00250     (__header)->leftmost = (__node);      /* __node is leftmost */      \
00251   } else if (((__node)->rbt_value == __y->rbt_value) &&                 \
00252              __y->next && __y->left) {                                  \
00253     /* __y has two children and its value is equal to the value of node */ \
00254     __y = __y->left;                                                    \
00255     while (__y->next)                                                   \
00256       __y = __y->next;                                                  \
00257     __y->next = (__node);                                               \
00258     (__node)->anchor = &__y->next;                                      \
00259   } else if (((__node)->rbt_value > __y->rbt_value) ||                  \
00260              (((__node)->rbt_value == __y->rbt_value) && __y->left)) {  \
00261     __y->next = (__node);                                               \
00262     (__node)->anchor = &__y->next;                                      \
00263     if (__y == (__header)->rightmost) {                                 \
00264       /* rightmost points again to max node */                          \
00265       (__header)->rightmost = (__node);                                 \
00266     }                                                                   \
00267   } else {                                                              \
00268     __y->left = (__node);                                               \
00269     (__node)->anchor = &__y->left;                                      \
00270     if (__y == (__header)->leftmost) {                                  \
00271       /* leftmost points again to min node */                           \
00272       (__header)->leftmost = (__node);                                  \
00273     }                                                                   \
00274   }                                                                     \
00275   (__node)->rbt_flags = 0;                                              \
00276   (__node)->parent = __y;                                               \
00277   (__node)->left = 0;                                                   \
00278   (__node)->next = 0;                                                   \
00279   __x = (__node);                                                       \
00280   while (__x->parent) {                                                 \
00281     __x->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                          \
00282     if ((__x->parent->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) == 0)                        \
00283       break;                                                            \
00284     /* both __x and __x->parent are RED, need to change the tree */     \
00285     /* __x->parent->parent is not NULL because __x->parent is RED */    \
00286     if (__x->parent == __x->parent->parent->left) {                     \
00287       __y = __x->parent->parent->next;                                  \
00288       /* __y is the uncle of __x */                                     \
00289       if ((__y == 0) || ((__y->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) == 0)) {            \
00290         if (__x == __x->parent->next) {                                 \
00291           __x = __x->parent;                                            \
00292           RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__x);                                         \
00293         }                                                               \
00294         /* __x->parent will become the parent, with two children : */   \
00295         /* __x and __x->parent->parent. */                              \
00296         /* __x->parent will be BLACK and both children RED */           \
00297         __x->parent->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                             \
00298         __x = __x->parent->parent;                                      \
00299         __x->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                      \
00300         RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__x);                                          \
00301         break;                                                          \
00302       }                                                                 \
00303     } else {                                                            \
00304       __y = __x->parent->parent->left;                                  \
00305       /* __y is the uncle of __x */                                     \
00306       if ((__y == 0) || ((__y->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) == 0)) {            \
00307         if (__x == __x->parent->left) {                                 \
00308           __x = __x->parent;                                            \
00309           RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__x);                                        \
00310         }                                                               \
00311         /* __x->parent will become the parent, with two children : */   \
00312         /* __x and __x->parent->parent. */                              \
00313         /* __x->parent will be BLACK and both children RED */           \
00314         __x->parent->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                             \
00315         __x = __x->parent->parent;                                      \
00316         __x->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                      \
00317         RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__x);                                           \
00318         break;                                                          \
00319       }                                                                 \
00320     }                                                                   \
00321     /* color the parent and the uncle of __x into black */              \
00322     __x->parent->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                 \
00323     __y->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                         \
00324     /* skip a generation and loop again because the colors have changed */ \
00325     __x = __x->parent->parent;                                          \
00326   }                                                                     \
00327 }
00329 /*
00330  * For RBT_UNLINK :
00331  *   __node is the node to unlink
00332  *   __header is the header node
00333  *   __x, __z and __y are temporary variables
00334  *   __node->rbt_flags may be modified
00335  *   otherwise, __node is not modified
00336  */
00337 #define RBT_UNLINK(__header, __node)                                    \
00338 {                                                                       \
00339   struct rbt_node *__x, *__y, *__z;                                     \
00340   (__header)->rbt_num_node--;    /* decrement the number of nodes */    \
00341   if ((__node)->left && (__node)->next) {                               \
00342     /* __node has two children */                                       \
00343     /* must introduce a node with less children : __y */                \
00344     __y = (__node)->next;        /* set __y to __node's successor */    \
00345     while (__y->left)                                                   \
00346       __y = __y->left;                                                  \
00347     /* switch __y and __node completely, including colors */            \
00348     if (((__node)->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) != (__y->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) { \
00349       (__node)->rbt_flags ^= RBT_RED;                                   \
00350       __y->rbt_flags ^= RBT_RED;                                        \
00351     }                                                                   \
00352     __x = __y->next;    /* __x is NULL or the only child of __y */      \
00353                         /* relink __x in place of __y */                \
00354     (__node)->left->parent = __y;                                       \
00355     (__node)->left->anchor = &__y->left;                                \
00356     __y->left = (__node)->left;                                         \
00357     if (__y == (__node)->next) {                                        \
00358       __z = __y;                                                        \
00359     } else {                                                            \
00360       __z = __y->parent;                                                \
00361       if (__x) {                                                        \
00362         __x->parent = __z;                                              \
00363         __x->anchor = &__z->left;                                       \
00364       }                                                                 \
00365       __z->left = __x;  /* __y was a child of left */                   \
00366       __y->next = (__node)->next;                                       \
00367       (__node)->next->parent = __y;                                     \
00368       (__node)->next->anchor = &__y->next;                              \
00369     }                                                                   \
00370     __y->parent = (__node)->parent;                                     \
00371     __y->anchor = (__node)->anchor;                                     \
00372     *(__node)->anchor = __y;                                            \
00373   } else {                                                              \
00374     /* __node has at most one non-NULL child */                         \
00375     /* replace __node with this child */                                \
00376     __z = (__node)->parent;                                             \
00377     __x = (__node)->next;     /* __x might be NULL */                   \
00378     if (__x == 0)                                                       \
00379       __x = (__node)->left;    /* __x is NULL or the only child of __node */ \
00380     if (__x) {                                                          \
00381       __x->parent = __z;                                                \
00382       __x->anchor = (__node)->anchor;                                   \
00383     }                                                                   \
00384     if ((__header)->leftmost == (__node)) {                             \
00385     /* if __node is leftmost, __node->left is NULL */                   \
00386       if (__x) {                                                        \
00387         __y = __x;                                                      \
00388         while (__y->left)                                               \
00389           __y = __y->left;                                              \
00390         (__header)->leftmost = __y;                                     \
00391       } else {                                                          \
00392         (__header)->leftmost = __z;                                     \
00393         /* makes leftmost = NULL if __node is root */                   \
00394       }                                                                 \
00395     }                                                                   \
00396     if ((__header)->rightmost == (__node)) {                            \
00397     /* if __node is rightmost, __node->next is NULL */                  \
00398       if (__x) {                                                        \
00399         __y = __x;                                                      \
00400         while (__y->next)                                               \
00401           __y = __y->next;                                              \
00402         (__header)->rightmost = __y;                                    \
00403       } else {                                                          \
00404         (__header)->rightmost = __z;                                    \
00405         /* makes rightmost = NULL if __node is root */                  \
00406       }                                                                 \
00407     }                                                                   \
00408     *(__node)->anchor = __x;                                            \
00409   }                                                                     \
00410   /* __z is set, __y is a new temporary */                              \
00411   if (!((__node)->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) {                               \
00412     /* __node was a black node, need to rebalance the tree */           \
00413     /* if __node had two children, it was replaced by __y : */          \
00414     /* __y was a black node, need to rebalance the tree */              \
00415     while ((__z) &&                                                     \
00416            ((__x == 0) || !(__x->rbt_flags & RBT_RED))) {               \
00417       if (__x == __z->left) {                                           \
00418         __y = __z->next;                                                \
00419         if (__y->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) {                                 \
00420           __y->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00421           __z->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                    \
00422           RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__z);                                         \
00423           __y = __z->next;                                              \
00424         }                                                               \
00425         if ((__y->left == 0 || !(__y->left->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) &&    \
00426             (__y->next == 0 || !(__y->next->rbt_flags & RBT_RED))) {    \
00427           __y->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                    \
00428           __x = __z;                                                    \
00429           __z = __z->parent;                                            \
00430         } else {                                                        \
00431           if (__y->next == 0 || !(__y->next->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) {    \
00432             if (__y->left)                                              \
00433               __y->left->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                         \
00434             __y->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                  \
00435             RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__y);                                      \
00436             __y = __z->next;                                            \
00437           }                                                             \
00438           __y->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00439           __y->rbt_flags |= __z->rbt_flags & RBT_RED;                   \
00440           __z->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00441           if (__y->next)                                                \
00442             __y->next->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                           \
00443           RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__z);                                         \
00444           break;                                                        \
00445         }                                                               \
00446       } else {         /* same as above, with right <-> left */         \
00447         __y = __z->left;                                                \
00448         if (__y->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) {                                 \
00449           __y->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00450           __z->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                    \
00451           RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__z);                                        \
00452           __y = __z->left;                                              \
00453         }                                                               \
00454         if ((__y->left == 0 || !(__y->left->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) &&    \
00455             (__y->next == 0 || !(__y->next->rbt_flags & RBT_RED))) {    \
00456           __y->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                    \
00457           __x = __z;                                                    \
00458           __z = __z->parent;                                            \
00459         } else {                                                        \
00460           if (__y->left == 0 || !(__y->left->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) {    \
00461             if (__y->next)                                              \
00462               __y->next->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                         \
00463             __y->rbt_flags |= RBT_RED;                                  \
00464             RBT_ROTATE_LEFT(__y);                                       \
00465             __y = __z->left;                                            \
00466           }                                                             \
00467           __y->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00468           __y->rbt_flags |= __z->rbt_flags & RBT_RED;                   \
00469           __z->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                   \
00470           if (__y->left)                                                \
00471             __y->left->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                           \
00472           RBT_ROTATE_RIGHT(__z);                                        \
00473           break;                                                        \
00474         }                                                               \
00475       }                                                                 \
00476     }                                                                   \
00477     if (__x)                                                            \
00478       __x->rbt_flags &= ~RBT_RED;                                       \
00479   }                                                                     \
00480 }
00482 /*
00483  * For RBT_FIND
00484  *   __header is the header node
00485  *   __node will contain the found node
00486  *   __val is a uint64_t and contains the value to search
00487  *   __x is a temporary variable
00488  * No nodes are modified
00489  * __node is modified
00490  *
00491  * When RBT_FIND returns, __node points to the node whose value is __val.
00492  * If multiple nodes have the value __val, only one is returned.
00493  * If no node has the value __val, __node points to the preceeding
00494  * or the following node and __node cannot have two children.
00495  * After the call, if __node is NULL, the tree is empty.
00496  * To check for success :
00497  *   if (((__node) != 0) && (RBT_VALUE(__node) == (__val))) {
00498  *     -- node found --
00499  *     ...
00500  *   }
00501  *
00502  * RBT_FIND must be called before inserting a node using RBT_INSERT.
00503  */
00504 #define RBT_FIND(__header, __node, __val)                               \
00505 {                                                                       \
00506   struct rbt_node *__x;                                                 \
00507   (__node) = (__header)->root;                                          \
00508   __x = (__header)->root;                                               \
00509   while (__x) {                                                         \
00510     (__node) = __x;                                                     \
00511     if (__x->rbt_value > (__val)) {                                     \
00512       __x = __x->left;                                                  \
00513     } else if (__x->rbt_value < (__val)) {                              \
00514       __x = __x->next;                                                  \
00515     } else {                                                            \
00516       break;                                                            \
00517     }                                                                   \
00518   }                                                                     \
00519 }
00521 /*
00522  * For RBT_FIND_LEFT
00523  *   __header is the header node
00524  *   __node will contain the found node
00525  *   __val is a uint64_t and contains the value to search
00526  *   __x is a temporary variable
00527  * No nodes are modified
00528  * __node is modified
00529  *
00530  * When RBT_FIND_LEFT returns, __node points to the leftmost node
00531  * whose value is __val.
00532  * If multiple nodes have the value __val, only one is returned.
00533  * If no node has the value __val, __node is NULL.
00534  * This is different from RBT_FIND. RBT_FIND_LEFT cannot be used
00535  * to insert a new node.
00536  * To check for success :
00537  *   if ((__node) != 0) {
00538  *     -- node found --
00539  *     ...
00540  *   }
00541  */
00542 #define RBT_FIND_LEFT(__header, __node, __val)                          \
00543 {                                                                       \
00544   struct rbt_node *__x;                                                 \
00545   (__node) = 0;                                                         \
00546   __x = (__header)->root;                                               \
00547   while (__x) {                                                         \
00548     if (__x->rbt_value > (__val)) {                                     \
00549       __x = __x->left;                                                  \
00550     } else if (__x->rbt_value < (__val)) {                              \
00551       __x = __x->next;                                                  \
00552     } else {                                                            \
00553       (__node) = __x;                                                   \
00554       while (__x) {                                                     \
00555         while ((__x = __x->left)) {                                     \
00556           if (__x->rbt_value < (__val))                                 \
00557             break;                                                      \
00558           (__node) = __x;                                               \
00559         }                                                               \
00560         if (__x == 0)                                                   \
00561           break;                                                        \
00562         while ((__x = __x->next)) {                                     \
00563           if (__x->rbt_value == (__val)) {                              \
00564             (__node) = __x;                                             \
00565             break;                                                      \
00566           }                                                             \
00567         }                                                               \
00568       }                                                                 \
00569       break;                                                            \
00570     }                                                                   \
00571   }                                                                     \
00572 }
00574 /*
00575  * RBT_BLACK_COUNT counts the number of black nodes in the parents of a node
00576  */
00577 #define RBT_BLACK_COUNT(__node, __sum)                                  \
00578 {                                                                       \
00579   for ((__sum) = 0; (__node); (__node) = (__node)->parent) {            \
00580     if (!((__node)->rbt_flags & RBT_RED))                               \
00581       ++(__sum);                                                        \
00582   }                                                                     \
00583 }
00585 #define RBT_VERIFY(__header, __it, __error)                             \
00586 {                                                                       \
00587   int __len, __num, __sum;                                              \
00588   struct rbt_node *__L, *__R;                                           \
00589   (__error) = 0;                                                        \
00590   if ((__header)->rbt_num_node == 0) {                                  \
00591     /* empty tree */                                                    \
00592     if (((__header)->leftmost) ||                                       \
00593         ((__header)->rightmost) ||                                      \
00594         ((__header)->root)) {                                           \
00595       (__error) = 1;                                                    \
00596       (__it) = 0;                                                       \
00597     }                                                                   \
00598   } else {                                                              \
00599     __L = (__header)->leftmost;                                         \
00600     RBT_BLACK_COUNT(__L, __len)                                         \
00601     /* check each node and test RBT_INCREMENT */                        \
00602     __num = 0;                                                          \
00603     RBT_LOOP((__header), (__it)) {                                      \
00604       if ((__it)->parent == 0) {                                        \
00605         if (((__it) != (__header)->root) ||                             \
00606             ((__it)->anchor != &(__header)->root)) {                    \
00607           (__error) = 2;                                                \
00608           break;                                                        \
00609         }                                                               \
00610       } else {                                                          \
00611         if ((((__it) == (__it)->parent->next) &&                        \
00612              ((__it)->anchor != &(__it)->parent->next)) ||              \
00613             (((__it) == (__it)->parent->left) &&                        \
00614              ((__it)->anchor != &(__it)->parent->left))) {              \
00615           (__error) = 2;                                                \
00616           break;                                                        \
00617         }                                                               \
00618       }                                                                 \
00619       __L = (__it)->left;                                               \
00620       __R = (__it)->next;                                               \
00621       if (((__it)->rbt_flags & RBT_RED) &&                              \
00622           ((__L && (__L->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)) ||                       \
00623            (__R && (__R->rbt_flags & RBT_RED)))) {                      \
00624         (__error) = 3;                                                  \
00625         break;                                                          \
00626       }                                                                 \
00627       if (__L && (__L->rbt_value > (__it)->rbt_value)) {                \
00628         (__error) = 4;                                                  \
00629         break;                                                          \
00630       }                                                                 \
00631       if (__R && (__R->rbt_value < (__it)->rbt_value)) {                \
00632         (__error) = 5;                                                  \
00633         break;                                                          \
00634       }                                                                 \
00635       if (!__L && !__R) {                                               \
00636         __L = (__it);                                                   \
00637         RBT_BLACK_COUNT(__L, __sum)                                     \
00638         if (__sum != __len) {                                           \
00639           (__error) = 6;                                                \
00640           break;                                                        \
00641         }                                                               \
00642       }                                                                 \
00643       __num++;                                                          \
00644       RBT_INCREMENT(__it)                                               \
00645     }                                                                   \
00646     if (((__error) == 0) && (__num != (__header)->rbt_num_node)) {      \
00647       (__error) = 7;                                                    \
00648       (__it) = 0;                                                       \
00649     }                                                                   \
00650     /* test RBT_DECREMENT */                                            \
00651     __num = 0;                                                          \
00652     RBT_LOOP_REVERSE(__header, __it) {                                  \
00653       __num++;                                                          \
00654       RBT_DECREMENT(__it)                                               \
00655     }                                                                   \
00656     if (((__error) == 0) && (__num != (__header)->rbt_num_node)) {      \
00657       (__error) = 8;                                                    \
00658       (__it) = 0;                                                       \
00659     }                                                                   \
00660     /* check leftmost and rightmost */                                  \
00661     if ((__error) == 0) {                                               \
00662       __L = (__header)->root;                                           \
00663       while ((__L)->left)                                               \
00664         (__L) = (__L)->left;                                            \
00665       __R = (__header)->root;                                           \
00666       while ((__R)->next)                                               \
00667         (__R) = (__R)->next;                                            \
00668       if ((__L != (__header)->leftmost) ||                              \
00669           (__R != (__header)->rightmost)) {                             \
00670         (__error) = 9;                                                  \
00671         (__it) = 0;                                                     \
00672       }                                                                 \
00673     }                                                                   \
00674     /* check root flag */                                               \
00675     if (((__error) == 0) && ((__header)->root) &&                       \
00676         !((__header)->root->parent == 0)) {                             \
00677       (__error) = 10;                                                   \
00678       (__it) = 0;                                                       \
00679     }                                                                   \
00680   }                                                                     \
00681 }
00683 #endif                          /* _RBT_TREE_H */