nfs-ganesha 1.4


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00002 #include "config.h"
00003 #endif
00005 #ifdef _SOLARIS
00006 #include "solaris_port.h"
00007 #endif
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <string.h>
00011 #include <pthread.h>
00012 #include <fcntl.h>
00013 #include <sys/file.h>           /* for having FNDELAY */
00014 #include <sys/socket.h>
00015 #include <netinet/in.h>
00016 #include <arpa/inet.h>
00017 #include <netdb.h>
00018 #include <ctype.h>
00019 #include "log.h"
00020 #include "ganesha_rpc.h"
00021 #include "fsal.h"
00022 #include "fsal_internal.h"
00023 #include "config_parsing.h"
00026 #ifndef CONF_LABEL_PNFS
00027 #define CONF_LABEL_PNFS "pNFS"
00028 #endif /* CONF_LABEL_PNFS */
00030 int LUSTREFSAL_read_conf_pnfs_ds_conf( config_item_t subblock,
00031                                        lustre_ds_parameter_t * pds_conf)
00032 {
00033   unsigned int nb_subitem = config_GetNbItems(subblock);
00034   unsigned int i;
00035   int err;
00036   int var_index;
00037   struct hostent *hp = NULL;
00039   for(i = 0; i < nb_subitem; i++)
00040     {
00041       char *key_name;
00042       char *key_value;
00043       config_item_t item;
00044       item = config_GetItemByIndex(subblock, i);
00046       /* Here, we are managing a configuration sub block, it has nothing but CONFIG_ITEM_VAR in it */
00047       if(config_ItemType(item) != CONFIG_ITEM_VAR)
00048         {
00049           LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG, "No sub-block expected ");
00050           return -EINVAL;
00051         }
00053       /* recuperation du couple clef-valeur */
00054       if((err = config_GetKeyValue(item, &key_name, &key_value)) != 0)
00055         {
00056           LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00057                   "Error reading key[%d] from section \"%s\" of configuration file.",
00058                   var_index, CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00059           return EINVAL ;
00060         }
00061       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_Addr"))
00062         {
00063           if(isdigit(key_value[0]))
00064             {
00065               /* Address begin with a digit, it is a address in the dotted form, translate it */
00066               pds_conf->ipaddr = inet_addr(key_value);
00068               /* Keep this address in the ascii format as well (for GETDEVICEINFO) */
00069               strncpy(pds_conf->ipaddr_ascii, key_value, MAXNAMLEN);
00070             }
00071           else
00072             {
00073               /* This is a serveur name that is to be resolved. Use gethostbyname */
00074               if((hp = gethostbyname(key_value)) == NULL)
00075                 {
00076                   LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00077                           "PNFS LOAD PARAMETER: ERROR: Unexpected value for %s",
00078                           key_name);
00079                   return -1;
00080                 }
00081               memcpy(&pds_conf->ipaddr, (char *)hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
00082               snprintf(pds_conf->ipaddr_ascii, MAXNAMLEN,
00083                        "%u.%u.%u.%u",
00084                        ((unsigned int)ntohl(pds_conf->ipaddr) &
00085                         0xFF000000) >> 24,
00086                        ((unsigned int)ntohl(pds_conf->ipaddr) &
00087                         0x00FF0000) >> 16,
00088                        ((unsigned int)ntohl(pds_conf->ipaddr) &
00089                         0x0000FF00) >> 8,
00090                        (unsigned int)ntohl(pds_conf->ipaddr) & 0x000000FF);
00091             }
00092         }
00093       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_Ip_Port"))
00094         {
00095           pds_conf->ipport = htons((unsigned short)atoi(key_value));
00096         }
00097       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_ProgNum"))
00098         {
00099           pds_conf->prognum = atoi(key_value);
00100         }
00101       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_Root_Path"))
00102         {
00103         }
00104       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_Id"))
00105         {
00106           pds_conf->id = atoi(key_value);
00107         }
00108       else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "DS_Is_Ganesha"))
00109         {
00110           pds_conf->is_ganesha = StrToBoolean(key_value);
00111         }
00112       else
00113         {
00114           LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00115                   "Unknown or unsettable key: %s (item %s)",
00116                   key_name, CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00117           return -1;
00118         }
00119     }                           /* for */
00121   return 0;
00122 }                               /* nfs_read_conf_pnfs_ds_conf */
00124 fsal_status_t LUSTREFSAL_load_pnfs_parameter_from_conf( config_file_t             in_config,
00125                                                         lustre_pnfs_parameter_t * pparam )
00126 {
00127   int var_max;
00128   int var_index;
00129   int err;
00130   char *key_name;
00131   char *key_value;
00132   char *block_name;
00133   config_item_t block;
00134   struct hostent *hp = NULL;
00135   int unique;
00137   unsigned int ds_count = 0;
00140   /* Is the config tree initialized ? */
00141   if(in_config == NULL || pparam == NULL)
00142     ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00144   /* Get the config BLOCK */
00145   if((block = config_FindItemByName_CheckUnique(in_config, CONF_LABEL_PNFS, &unique)) == NULL)
00146     {
00147       LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00148               "Cannot read item \"%s\" from configuration file: %s",
00149               CONF_LABEL_PNFS, config_GetErrorMsg() );
00150       ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00151     }
00152   else if (!unique)
00153   {
00154       LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00155               "Only a single \"%s\" block is expected in config file: %s",
00156               CONF_LABEL_PNFS, config_GetErrorMsg() );
00157       ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00158   }
00159   else if(config_ItemType(block) != CONFIG_ITEM_BLOCK)
00160     {
00161       /* Expected to be a block */
00162       ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00163     }
00165   var_max = config_GetNbItems(block);
00167   for(var_index = 0; var_index < var_max; var_index++)
00168     {
00169       config_item_t item;
00170       config_item_type item_type ;
00172       item = config_GetItemByIndex(block, var_index);
00173       item_type = config_ItemType(item) ;
00175       switch( item_type )
00176         {
00177         case CONFIG_ITEM_VAR:
00179           /* Get key's name */
00180           if((err = config_GetKeyValue(item, &key_name, &key_value)) != 0)
00181             {
00182               LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00183                       "Error reading key[%d] from section \"%s\" of configuration file.",
00184                       var_index, CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00185               ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00186             }
00187           else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "Stripe_Size"))
00188             {
00189               pparam->stripe_size = StrToBoolean(key_value);
00190             }
00191           else if(!strcasecmp(key_name, "Stripe_Width"))
00192             {
00193               pparam->stripe_width = atoi(key_value);
00194             }
00195           else
00196             {
00197               LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00198                       "Unknown or unsettable key: %s (item %s)", key_name,
00199                       CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00200               ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00201             }
00203           break;
00205         case CONFIG_ITEM_BLOCK:
00206           block_name = config_GetBlockName(item);
00208           if(!strcasecmp(block_name, "DataServer"))
00209             if(nfs_read_conf_pnfs_ds_conf(item, &pparam->ds_param[ds_count]) !=
00210                0)
00211               {
00212                 LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00213                         "Unknown or unsettable key: %s (item %s)", key_name,
00214                         CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00215                 ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00216               }
00218           ds_count += 1;
00219           break;
00221         default:
00222           LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00223                   "Error reading key[%d] from section \"%s\" of configuration file.",
00224                   var_index, CONF_LABEL_PNFS);
00225           ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00226           break;
00227         }                       /* switch( config_ItemType(item) ) */
00229     }                           /* for */
00231   /* Sanity check : as much or less DS configured than stripe_size  */
00232   if(ds_count < pparam->stripe_width)
00233     {
00234       LogCrit(COMPONENT_CONFIG,
00235               "You must define more pNFS data server for strip_width=%u (only %u defined)",
00236               pparam->stripe_width, ds_count);
00237       ReturnCode(ERR_FSAL_INVAL, EINVAL ) ;
00238     }
00240   ReturnCode( ERR_FSAL_NO_ERROR, 0 );
00241 }                               /* LUSTREFSAL_load_pnfs_parameter_from_conf */